O Master!

Thou art the real goal of human life.
We are yet but slaves of wishes,
Putting bar to our advancement.
Thou art the only God and Power,
To bring us up to that Stage.


1) Prayer is the connecting link between mortal with immortal; Human with Divine; Jeva with Shiva; Atma with Paramatma.

2) Prayer remains the most important and unfailing means of success. Through it we have to establish our link with the Holy Divine.

3) There is only one prayer in this Mission i.e., before we start our Morning Meditation and Bed time Prayer


This is our Sahajmarg language and it is only the tip of the ice burg. As you proceed in Sadhana ( Practice) the more information will be provided]

New Registration

Our Declaration

We Salute those Senior Abhyasis And Preceptors who are doing their best since 1978  in spreading the "SAHAJ MARG" to their level of understanding.

We want no name - We want to be an action without a form & fame. Through our Guru's will, the desire for Name & Fame has not yet crept into our hearts and we dare to say never will. We are instruments and he is the operator. Through these (A team of dedicated Abhyasis) He - Our Divya Gurudev Babuji Maharaj rousing the Spiritual instint in thousands of "Hearts" on this planet earth.Founder President